My waters broke at 29 weeks...
Hi! My name is Alicia and I am 31 weeks pregnant with my first sweet baby boy. He has decided to adventure into the world earlier than expected. My water broke at 29 weeks 4 days. I’ve been at the hospital ever since patiently waiting for his debut. This is my story ...
Mid-September on a rainy Sunday afternoon I decided to secretly take a pregnancy test. I was certain I wasn’t pregnant despite my tender boobs and weak stomach. I have taken countless tests in the past if I was even just a day late in my cycle. I guess you could call it wishful thinking. I always wanted to be a mama but the timing was never right. Is it ever? Well after those three seconds of holding the cheapest test I could find at our local market, I glanced at the plastic screen. There I saw a definite plus sign. I could not believe my eyes so I walked away from the strip, placed it on the counter and made some tea. After a few moments, I ran back to the bathroom thinking the plus sign was my imagination. Well, I was wrong. I grabbed the strip and ran into my dark, cold bedroom where my boyfriend was peacefully napping. Turned on the light and screamed we are pregnant! The chuckle he made was nothing short of adorable. He wrapped me in his arms and I cried. I don’t know why but I cried and cried. Never in a million years would I have guessed this could happen to me. I’m a brittle type one diabetic who has struggled with the fear that I would never have the chance to mother. I am a nanny and I take care of everyone else’s children. Now this man has given me the biggest blessing I could ever ask for. Fast forward five months and here we are. At 29 weeks and 3 days pregnant I woke up to a wet bed. My water broke. I quickly took a shower, packed my bag and my boyfriend and I rushed to the hospital. I’ve never been so scared. It was just too early to meet our sweet Oaklen. Throughout that day the baby’s heart rate dropped multiple times which caused our tiny hospital room to be filled with white coats and fresh outta med school faces. We are scared, nervous, broke and anxious. This baby is coming! He will be here any day and we could not be more excited. He will be a little guy but that’s okay. We have a fabulous NICU and a wonderful team of doctors. I’ve learned that God works in mysterious ways. There will never be a “perfect time” to bring new life into chaos. I am thankful for the love and support I have been given through this difficult time. Ready to start my new journey with my sweetheart as a family of three! We got this!
I got this little update in my inbox a couple of weeks after intitally getting Alicia's email:
On my 17th day at the hospital, I woke up feeling ill. My contractions started to intensify and I knew that baby O was coming if we were ready or not. In my room, I affectionately called my penthouse, my doctor quickly realized I was fully dialed. They rushed me to labor and delivery. My boyfriend walked in just in time. He ran to my side and after three pushes our miracle was born. Oaklen Kade entered our world March 22nd at 12:49 am, weighing 3.5 lbs, and 15.75 inches. After a short visit and kiss, he was sent to the NICU with Daddy. He held out and waited the 32 weeks to meet us and I am so proud. He is thriving! I feel beyond blessed to have carried him for as long as he allowed. Our lives are forever changed. I go home today and it’s bittersweet. Leaving him here will be one of my hardest obstacles. The saying “I am Woman, I am strong” is what will get me through. I got this!