I first came across this darling brand when discussing chemical free/natural ways of living with a group of new parents, as a midwife.  One new mama showed us all baby wash and massage oil from Lovekins, the pessimist in me turned it over, scanning for the horrible chemicals and ingredients and to my surprise, THERE WAS NONE. This topic, of natural living, is something I talk to all my patients (yes some just grin and bear it), but at the end of the day, everyone wants what is best for their little person. This lovely group of new parents, all holding their little, naked babes, about to hop in the bath for the very first time all wanted to know the same thing- “what products do you recommend”. I get this question, about everything parenthood wise so many times a day. I am honored to be able to give my opinion on such a topic, so here it is for the world to see on something I feel very passionately about, and that is ‘What products to use on your baby’.

I am a big believer, as a midwife and young woman that almost everything we could possibly need to live healthy and fulfilled lives grows from the earth. I advise all new mamas and papas to avoid anything with nasties on their baby's skin, why? Because our skin isn't a barrier like most people think, our skin absorbs almost everything we put into it!

After coming across this stunning brand that focuses on Australian superfoods, organic and natural ingredients is made in Australia and was created by a new mama herself- I haven’t turned back. That’s the honest truth.  The creator of these wonderful products shares such a beautiful story and supporting small businesses is always such a win. The story goes that this new mama needed a natural, chemical free product for her baby who had terrible eczema. Nothing worked, so she made her own with what she knew- organic, natural products and Australian superfoods (Kakadu Plum- the richest source of vitamin C on the planet – sourced straight from her hometown Darwin!). And now…? It’s a brand sold globally, how rad is that? Just one mama trying her best to help her little baby, and now there's a global movement of happier, healthier babies.

So, all of Lovekins products are well, divine! But I totally have a soft spot for the baby massage oil… Baby massage is such a wonderful experience for parents and babies alike. It helps to relax newborns and it creates an undeniable and ever over-following bond between new parents. Lovekins baby massage oil was the first product I tried in one of my baby bath classes and let me tell you- phenomenal! I rubbed it all over my hands and arms when we finished (totally acceptable, right?!?). Basically, I am mildly obsessed and not afraid to tell you all.

So this generous and oh so lovely brand is doing a giveaway for you beautiful Bumpnbub followers! Go check the post to enter, this is how!

  1. Simply follow @bumpnbub & @lovekins_babyskincare & @lovekins.asia 
  2. Tag two friends in the comments of my post (@Bumpnbub)
  3. THAT’S IT! Goodluck and start dreaming up the lushest baby skin you can imagine. 
Tags: General