Motherhood Series, part 1! Lets chat with model, mama and PCOS advocate, Brigitte Warne!

Hello beautiful mama!
Here at Bumpnbub, being a midwife and perinatal mental health specialist I am so passionate about talking with inspiring women to hear more about their personal and motherhood story. From conception, to pregnancy, to motherhood…
I am so excited to chat with you! Let’s dive in!
Can you please tell us a little bit about you?
I am a Sydney based entrepreneur, mama, model and advocate for PCOS awareness and hormone health. I have a double degree in Public Health & Health/ Health Promotion + Commerce, 3 international businesses, and I am the founder of the online community 'PCOS to Wellness' and creator of hormone balancing herbal teas 'CYSTERHOOD' and postpartum and lactation support 'MAMAHOOD'. I am passionate about sharing my own wellness and motherhood journey, and educating and empowering other women who may be suffering with PCOS, hormonal imbalances and infertility along the way.
Did you always know motherhood was for you?
To be honest, not really. I never really had that 'yearning' in me to want to be a mother that I heard many of friends talk about. I guess I just really loved my life and felt so fulfilled with every aspect of it that motherhood didn't really even cross my mind. It actually wasn't until I was diagnosed with PCOS and told I may not be able to have children (which was untrue!) that I knew deep down I REALLY did want to be a mother one day.
What are your little ones names and what do they mean / why did you choose them?
My little boy's name is Flynn James Krncevic. My husband Jesse and I actually came up with the name Flynn because it was the name of a surf spot "Flynns Reef" on Phillip Island which is where my family have a home and it is also where we got married so it means a lot to us! I feel like Flynn choose his own name because the summer before I gave birth we were sitting at a cafe at Phillip Island discussing potential names (and one of which was Flynn) and right above us was a really cool photo of waves which we loved and wanted to buy, so when we enquired about buying and the owner told us it was actually a local surfer who had taken the shot at Flynns Reef!! So that was all the confirmation we needed! James is Jesse's middle name, and Krncevic is his last name, I didn't want to change my last name, but I always said if we had kids they could have his last name! lol compromise!
What do you believe to be the most beautiful thing about being a parent?
Oh my gosh everything! Honestly it is just so much better than anything I could have ever imagined! Everyday I wake up excited to be his mama and smother him in love! Maybe it's because I had no expectations about motherhood or trying to be the 'perfect' mum, but it has truly fulfilled me in ways I NEVER thought possible. It really is just the BEST, and I have no idea why haha!!
What is the hardest lesson motherhood has taught you?
That NOTHING can prepare you for the unknown of motherhood. It's like a wild (sleep deprived lol) ride, and you just have to learn and adapt as you go.
What would you tell your ‘brand-new-mama-self’ if you could go back in time?
I know everyone says it, but it really does get easier. I would tell myself to keep following my gut instincts, don't worry about what everyone else is doing, and try not to resent Jesse too much for the fact that he doesn't have boobs to breastfeed haha!!
How are you coping at the moment with all of the lockdowns?
What is getting you through? We are coping really well! We spent the first 3 months of lockdown at our families beach house on Phillp island which was pretty special as Flynn had just started walking! And now we are back in Sydney and just finding our 'new normal' of working and living from home together. Getting outside is key for me and my mental health, so I love taking Flynn for a walk or to parks while Jesse works, and then we switch so that I can get some work done too.
Where can we find and follow along on your journey?
You can find me on instagram pcos_to_wellness or
Keep reading, have you seen our latest birth story? Click here to read an incredible homebirth story.